Golf Swing, 6 iron, FO and DTL 10/20/2008

Saturday, May 26, 2007

First Post...

Well, I just got back from Wichita, after being away for over 5 months and it was a great experience... I got to see all my friends, all the people that have been around my life for the past 6 years, and I finished moving my belongings back to Bogota, Colombia, my new hometown. Closing a chapter of your life is tough, saying goodbye to really important people in my life is even worse, but it will only bring new light to my life, as I chase the dream of being a professional golfer.

I can always look back to my life in Wichita, and I will certainly know that it was probably the happiest time of my life, it was when I finally got my independence and lived my life how I wanted it to be... It was scary living on my own, on another country after living in the security of my parents house, but this experience made me what I am today and I grew up in 6 years what would have taken me at least 10 years in Colombia. I met the most interesting people and most important people in my life (besides my family) and I will always remember and cherish that part of my life.

As I ran into all people that I knew in Wichita, most asked about how to get info on my tournaments, so I decided to start this blog to keep an updated and detailed journal of my trip through pro life. I will try to update it as often as I can...

And so, it begins....


Estrella said...

Hi star!
It is so nice to hear you are doing to well. I do share and understand how you feel. I had the fortune to meet people like you in Wichita alone with many other people that also filled my heart with many wonderfull and unforgettable memories. I perfectly know how hard it is to become a professional athlete especially in a sport life golf... this is a carrier that may not only bring you happiness and success but also frutration and anger at recomendation to you coming straight from metaphysics books is: always visulize yourself as a winner, have a possitive mind, never ever give up, never say you can't do are always capable of doing anything you wish too, don't think too hard, relax, relax and relax, especially when you stress level are at your maximum...
Please keep us in touch, I wish you the best luck in this new facet of your life.
I hope I can you again someday...It has been wonderful to meet people like you...
Keep shining like me =P

Estrella =)

manunivia said...

Juan Martin!!
Fue maravilloso haberte conocido y haber podido compartir eso gratos momentos de golf contigo.

Cada vez que vamos a Braeburn te extrañamos, pero tambien estamos felices del camino que tomaste, y por tus logros presentes y futuros.

Muchas felicidades y exitos

Eduardo Vicky y Manuela