Golf Swing, 6 iron, FO and DTL 10/20/2008

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Pueblo Viejo Open

Last week was Pueblo Viejo Open, my home course. I've been playing there since March and I really enjoy the Club, the people and the course. Of course I wanted to play well in front of my home crowd and everybody was rooting for me, so it was a little more added pressure for this tournament.

First round started off pretty good with a easy birdie on #1, then followed with birdies on #4, #5 and #7 for a 32 (-4) in the front. After two good pars on #10 and 11, I birdied #12 to move to -5. #13 is a long dog-leg left par 5 with OB left and water right on both the tee shot and the second shot. I hit a good drive that rolled just a little too far and got on the first cut, where I got a really good (or bad??) lie. The ball was sitting perfectly on top of the grass with a footprint behind it. The ball was sitting up about 1" above the grass. I tried to hit my hybrid, but it was sitting up too high, so I caught it on the top part of the club and it jumped high and to the right, where it clipped a tree and went into the water. I ended up with bogey there. I followed it with 3 straight pars to settle down and I birdied #17 and 18 with two good putts, for a 34 (-2) on the back. I shot 66 (-6) and I was in second place behind the eventual winner, Oswaldo Villada, that shot a flawless 64. I felt pretty good with my game after hitting 15 greens, hitting 79% of the fairways and adding only 28 putts to my score. Here is the link to the first round stats ( )
I started two shots back and I was on the final group on Friday, and I knew I had to get a good round in to be in contention for the weekend. I birdied the first hole again, then bogeyed #3, and came back with birdies on #4, 7 and 9 to finish -3 in the front. I played well the back 9, but I wasn't lucky with my putts, I hit some really good putts that just didn't go in. I had 9 straight pars for a 69 (-3). After the second round, I found myself tied with Villada for the lead at -9.
Saturday and Sunday were pretty uneventful for me. I only had 2 birdies and an eagle for both days and my putting lacked touch and luck. I hit some really good putts that didn't go in and I hit some bad putts that also missed the hole. I had 3 bogeys, a birdie and an eagle on Saturday for an Even par 72. After Saturday, I was only one shot back of the lead, held by Alvaro Pinedo at -10 (Saturday stats: )
My Sunday round started quite awful. I started my day with a 3 putt double bogey on the first hole and just never got anything going after that. I had some really good par saves, but none for birdie. I only birdied the 7th hole and had 2 more bogeys for a +3. I tried to hang in there, but my game (or mind?) wasn't up to it. It was a good experience, because even though I didn't play my best, I never gave up and I fought until the last hole. I wan't nervous to be playing in the final group the last day, it felt right to be up there in the leaderboard. (Sunday stats: )
I finished tied for 5th, and even though it wasn't what I was looking for, it was a great experience to be close to the lead and hold my own for 3 days. Now I know that I belong up there in the leaderboard and that is not a fluke to play well. I know I can win out here and it is just a matter of time, patience and hard work that will take me there.
I leave tomorrow for a 3 day tournament in Barranca and then travel again to Medellin for another 72 hole tournament. I will play 4 weeks in a row again. I will try to keep updates, but it might be hard from Barranca. Until then, cheers!

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